Feeling out of shape?

Been inactive for longer than you'd like?

Need something more than just walking the block each day?

Want to tone up, gain strength & feel more confident?

Our highly trained & experienced team of Personal Trainers has the solution for you.

LTYB Strathmore's unique method of training, gets you the healthy results you want fast, with all the benefits of training with a one on one PT....for a fraction of the usual cost

In fact, we guarantee you find your motivation for health & fitness again by training with us, OR your money back.

Read on for how we do it....




*Toning Up

*Strengthening Core Muscles

*Increasing Mobility/Flexibility

*Feeling Fitter & More Energised

*Enhanced Self-Confidence

*Increasing Bone Density

(especially important for our members over 50)


Our programming also includes access to

5 YOGA classes per week

to assist flexibility, energy & vitality



To get you the health & fitness results you are after – we take the time to find out exactly what YOU want to achieve.

For many, the primary goal is simply getting back into a healthy routine.

For others it is feeling stronger, toning up or weight loss.

For older clients, perhaps your doctor has strongly advised lowering your cholesterol or improving bone density.

If your job involves sitting at a desk for long periods each day - stiffness in the neck, back and shoulders is a key focus we work with members on fixing daily.

Our job as PT's is to identify which of these are your goals......sometimes it's all of the above!...... and then work together to achieve them

You are then assigned a PT "mentor" to work with on staying motivated & accountable to the goals you want.

Once the training starts, we then need to make the sessions fun & enjoyable, so that you look forward to every session.

This ensures exercise becomes part of your weekly routine.

This has been the key ingredient to our members long term success……they love coming to a fun and non-intimidating environment.

We deliberately don't have mirrors in our studio, to make the space feel super comfortable for everyone.


We know everyone has a busy schedule, so we offer over 50 sessions per week, 7 days a week.

Yes even Sundays we will be open & working for you!


In a busy world of work, kids, study.....we know flexibility is key.

So we have made the process to book or change your session time super easy.

Even if it's last minute.

All sessions are booked via the LTYB app, and you are free to book in or change appointment times up to 10 minutes before the session starts...with no late cancel fees

For the super organised, sessions can be booked up to 1 month in advance.




We know each member has their our own specific body niggles and limitations, so as your PT team – we take the time to find out exactly what the nature & severity of your injuries are - so that the exercises we prescribe

1) Do not injure you

2) Begin to repair/improve the limitations you have

3) Are matched to your unique goals

We love a challenge, and also enjoy liasing with your medical professional (physio, osteo etc) to work on a rehab program where required.

If you are returning to exercise post-surgery, we can liase with your surgeon and rehab specialist.


Firstly….you won’t be alone!

Many of our new members are coming back from a long layoff....sometimes years or even decades.'ve come to the right place!!

As we aren't circuit based...we can fine tune your workout precisely to your ability

If your fitness is back to rock bottom, our PT team will initially program at a low intensity then slowly build up as your confidence and fitness base improves.

A lot of new members currently joining have been inactive for a long period of time.

Our speciality is motivating anyone back into a routine,

no matter how inactive they have been.

And if you are already super fit and looking for a change up to your current routine - there's an endless supply of progressions we can dial you up to

Each person is working in their own space in the studio - so we can easily accommodate all fitness levels.


For beginners – LTYB is a great place to start. Many of our members are “first time in a gym” – and the fear of joining a traditional gym can be intimidating.

First timers often say “I have no idea what to do at a gym” or “am I doing this exercise right” or "I am so unfit, I'm worried everyone will be looking at me".

Firstly....many will be just as unfit as you right now, and infinitely more worried about themselves than you.

Second, once you have done a few sessions, you'll quickly realise everyone else is in a similar boat as you, just trying to improve themselves to be happier and healthier for daily life.

We also love to teach…...and take great enjoyment in showing newbies how to use gym equipment and get your technique just right.


One of the biggest obstacles for young parents to getting to the gym, is finding a babysitter to mind the little ones while you squeeze in a 45 minute workout.

As the mother of 3 young children, owner Elle has created a beautiful little space for the kids to sit and play whilst you work out.

Its filled with puzzles, building blocks, crayons - and if they are old enough...let YouTube Kids do the babysitting haha. Prams also welcome.


We are big on guiding your nutrition & healthy eating, but are not into “fad diets”, rapid weight loss, or unsustainable short term results.

We very much have a 52 week a year philosophy, so once we help you lose the weight, we make sure the weight stays off.....FOR GOOD!

Some of our members have been with us for over 15 years.

At first we focus on the shifting the weight, then it's a matter of pivoting the programming and keep that weight off.

Two of our team (Lauren & Tom) are qualified nutritionists, each with over 5 years experience. If nutrition is a pain point currently....we highly encourage our members to reach out to them for a chat


As our method is so unique - the best way to get a feel for it - is to grab one of the low cost intro offers below and come join the fun in person.

In fact, if you don't love our sessions after the first 14 days, we will refund your entire intro offer. So there is literally zero risk in at least giving it a try.

Here's the quick 101 on what a LTYB Essendon session looks like...

  • Each session runs for 45 minutes

  • There is a Personal Trainer in charge of every session, who will select exercises SPECIFIC for your needs and goals

  • A key difference to other gyms is our PT sessions are not circuit based, so even though there will be others in a session, you will work at your own pace……in your own area……with your own equipment.

  • We don't have rigid or set days of the week where everyone on that day must all do "Cardio" or must all do "Strength".
  • Whichever day you attend, each member can book into any mode of training they prefer, be it strength, cardio, core OR a combination of each.

  • As we are able to customise every single exercise & session just for you, it is the perfect way to get back into a fitness routine……at an intensity just right for your body.

  • Our youngest member is 16 our oldest is 79.


There are 3 Simple Introductory Membership Options To Choose From....

Using the "Costco" theory...the lower the cost per session becomes, the longer you are ready to commit to your training for.

Option 2 & 3 also have some added bonuses to have you firing & extra motivated

And remember, if you don't love the training after 14 days - we will 100% refund the entire amount for each option below


28 Day Intro Deal at HALF PRICE

It is the perfect way to sample how our team get you the results you want, for a very low cost.

Normally it is $240 for 28 Days Of Unlimited Personal Training

This offer lets you trial our unlimited PT & Yoga sessions for just $118

(Payable as 2 x $59)


Buy 2 Months, Get 1 Month Free

Feeling motivated, and ready to focus on your health & fitness for 3 months?

This option has some extra bells & whistles to get you firing

*Unlimited PT sessions for 3 months (Value $767)

*Unlimited Yoga sessions for 3 months (at both Strathmore & Essendon)

*Plus A Free One Hour Osteo Treatment (Value $110)

*Plus 3 Months Unlimited Access to the Evolt Body Scan (Value $120)

*Ability to pause anytime for holidays/illness

*Total Value = $997.........Winter Promo Price before August 1st just....$480


Buy 9 Months, Get 3 Months Added Free

Decided its time to put yourself & your health first again?

Want the next 12 months dedicated to you and your wellbeing...

Sign up for our annual membership by August 1st ....and save over $500 on PT

plus receive $780 of free extra's


*12 Months Unlimited PT sessions

*12 Months Unlimited Yoga sessions

*12 Months Unlimited Evolt Body Scans (Value $480)

*Free MyZone Belt (Value $199)

*1 Hour Osteo Treatment (Value $110)

*Assigned PT Mentor to keep you motivated and accountable all year

*Ability to pause anytime for holidays/illness.

Total Value Included= $3,857

Promo Price if joining before August 1st = $2,499


To ensure we keep our sessions small & personalised we only open up 15 spots per month for new members to join, so lock your spot in via our app today to avoid missing out

Got a holiday planned or not ready to start right away...?

Fear not! We are known for keeping everything super fair & reasonable with all our memberships

***As long as you join this promotion by August 1st, you can nominate a training start date anytime in the next 3 months.

AND...if you need to pause for a vacation, that's no problem at all. You can complete the remainder on your return***


Download the LTYB App now (link provided at the bottom the page)

  • Tap "Sign Up"

  • Set location to "Essendon"

  • Tap "More" > Select Your Preferred Package

Please note this Winter Promotion closes 11.59pm August 1st.

Our next big promotion of this scale is slated for spring, so jump on the app now if ready to make a start soon

Still need more info?

No problem. Scroll up to the "Get In Touch" section and we will touch base to chat more with you via phone.

No Mirrors

Supportive Trainers Train You

Be part of a fitness community

No lock in contracts

LTYB Ascot Vale coming soon!



Photo of Andrew Frazer


Owner & Personal Trainer

It has been a unique journey to the PT world for our owner Andrew. Starting life out of university as a financial adviser in the early 2000s, Andrew then moved overseas and travelled the globe for many years running tours for Contiki. In 2012 he returned to Australia, and planned to work as a Personal Trainer for only one year at Listen To Your Body before getting back to the “real world” of finance and an office job.

Discovering the daily joy of helping people get their health, fitness, positive mindset and self-esteem in order - Andrew stayed a further 5 years, before eventually buying the Strathmore studio in 2017 from the founder LTYB Ben Fletcher.

Andrew is now happily married to wife Elle, and has two young children Angus & Mya

Photo of Callum Campbell


Personal Trainer

Meet Callum Campbell, our vibrant new trainer hailing from Aberdeen, Scotland. Freshly landed in Melbourne with his partner Beth after an exhilarating 4.5-month backpacking adventure across South-East Asia, Callum brings passion and expertise to our team. Armed with a Personal Training certificate AND a Bachelor Honours Degree in Health and Exercise Science, his sessions combine academic knowledge with many years of hands-on PT experience. Callum's zest for life extends beyond fitness; he's an avid traveler, enjoys running & playing football (aka “soccer”). He supports his local team Aberdeen FC, while his true love is….Manchester United. He's super friendly & engaging - and thrives on listening to diverse stories. Welcome to a new era of training with Callum, he is ready to inspire you on your fitness journey!

Photo of Lea Karavesovska


Personal Trainer

Meet Lea Karavesovska, an exciting addition to the Listen To Your Body Essendon team, who brings passion and expertise to Personal Training. After dancing and gymnastics up until age 14, Lea discovered the gym as her new outlet and this love of health & fitness lead to a Bachelor's in Exercise and Sport Science. In 2024 Lea will pursue a Master's in Clinical Exercise Physiology, so her sessions will combine both academic knowledge and a love for fitness.

Beyond the gym, Lea is actively training for her first half marathon, showcasing her commitment to holistic well-being. A reader and cooking enthusiast, she values a balanced lifestyle – and holidays anywhere there is a beach. Join Lea on a fun fitness journey, and be guided by her energetic and inspiring personality.

Photo of Lauren Sims


Personal Trainer

Meet Lauren, our fun & vibrant Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. Lauren's venture into the fitness industry commenced over five years ago, and has been working closely with clients on devising customized nutrition strategies, workout routines and providing one on one support & motivation. Away from her PT & nutrition work - Lauren is a sports fanatic - having represented high-level basketball teams for many years, played competitive AFL football, and even stepped onto the stage for physique competitions.

Lauren's passion is helping guide individuals to reach their utmost potential – and she cant wait to work with you at LTYB Essendon

Photo of Tom McNulty


Personal Trainer

Meet Tom McNulty, a dedicated health and fitness enthusiast at Listen To Your Body Essendon with over eight years of experience. Originating in Warrnambool, Tom is committed to fostering wellbeing and achieving fitness goals. Clients benefit from his personalized and focused approach, and will enjoy his kind, gentle and caring nature.

Photo of Rochelle Te Hiko


Personal Trainer

Rochelle is a PT who grew up as the fat kid on the side lines with her pom poms and popcorn, watching her dad play rugby and compete in bodybuilding as well as cheering on her brother competing in BMX all around the world. When she hit her late teens she decided to enter a gym with her dad and instantly fell in love with health and fitness. Rochelle implemented her own gym and nutrition routine and reduced her weight from 110kg to 65kg within 2yrs. Nutrition and training consistency was a key aspect that ran along with learning about her own body through years of experience in the gym.

Rochelle is Brunswick’s head trainer and loves smashing out creative sessions whilst helping members achieve their goals.

Photo of Flick Quigley


Yin Yoga Instructor

Felicity ('Flick') has been practicing yoga for more than a decade. In 2022, she became a qualified and certified yoga teacher, training in the hatha style of yoga. Later that year, she also qualified as a yin yoga teacher, a practise that is designed to encompass stretching of the connective tissues in the body and promote a slower, more meditative style. Flick has a particular interest in meditation and breathwork. Her classes also focus on the functional anatomy benefits of yoga and how it can be incorporated as a key addition to a person's overall health and wellness. Not only does she love to practice and teach hot flow yoga and yin, she also enjoys the regular challenge of lifting heavy weights and her favourite piece of gym equipment is the kettlebell! Off the mat, Flick juggles life as a mum of two teens (look out for her 6 ft son Oscar in the Strathmore gym) and is a freelance marketing and PR consultant.

Photo of Jane O'Loughlin


Yoga Instructor

Jane was introduced to yoga at university. Her first yoga teachers played a big role in helping Jane move beyond thinking of yoga as simply physical exercise, and towards appreciating the subtler, mind-body benefits of yoga - particularly with managing stress and improving mental health. Jane has a background in dance as well as group fitness and instructing Pilates. Her knowledge and practice of safe and functional alignment and movement infuses her classes. She aims to structure and deliver classes in a way where every person feels welcomed, supported, and appropriately challenged, from beginner yogis through to experienced practitioners. Jane completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training and 35-hour Theming and Sequencing training at Yoga Flame in 2022, with a focus on teaching Hatha and Vinyasa style classes. She completed a further 100-hour advanced asana, yoga philosophy, and Ayurveda course in Mysore, India in 2023. When not on the mat, Jane loves getting around on her bike, making up meals from a Ceres fruit and veg box, and getting out in nature for a hike. She's delighted to be joining the LTYB team!

  • Class Schedule
  • Memberships/Packages
Get directions
You’re one step away from a healthier you!


  • Download the LTYB app
  • click "Sign Up" 
  • Select Preferred Membership Option
  • Receive and fill out consult form
  • Book in your first session

(or contact your preferred studio if you would like to discuss further)


  • Arrive on time
  • Put your belongings in a lockers
  • Please wait until the session start time before getting on the warm up equipment
  • The trainer will guide you through your workout
  • Session complete

You’re one step away from a healthier you!